雅尼的新官方网站 http://www.yanni.com/2008年4月份的时候就开通了,非常高贵典雅很有质感的色彩,多年未见雅尼有新作品,看到yanni isback的信息真的很高兴。记得我曾经形容过“雅尼是位音乐建筑师,他的音乐如同一座座宫殿别墅,令人想要住进里面……”,这位被誉为“全世界最具有创新精神的作曲家和演奏家之一”的天才这次再度投入音乐会是一个怎么样的新惊喜?新推出的专辑是与曾获得过格莱美奖和奥斯卡奖的著名歌曲作家RicWake共同合作创作的“YANNI VOICES雅尼之声”,全部歌曲由4位出色的年轻歌手LeslieMills, Chloe and Ender Thomas, Nathan Pacheco演绎独唱和对唱,之前雅尼的歌曲作品最喜欢的是allis love,很真切大气的感觉,这次的歌曲风格多样,大家听听看。不过,听完了所有的曲子,都找不到一点newage的感觉,在富有生命热情和飘逸的歌声中依然显露着雅尼特有的典雅和热情澎湃的感染力。 首次推出的8首歌已开始在雅尼的网站销售在线下载,以下提供全曲128KMP3试听。 Before The Night Ends - Leslie Mills Theory Of Everything - Leslie Mills Change - Chloe Kill Me With Your Love - Chloe Desire - Ender Thomas Tribute - Nathan Pacheco Enchantment - Nathan Pacheco In Your Heart - Yanni And Nican WOYO在线播放 http://m.woyo.com/album_music.php?u=falook&id=75069 下载地址
(2007)Yanni Voices 2007 (128K) http://www.fs2you.com/zh-cn/files/616fb9e8-1686-11dd-8a20-0014221f4662/ 关于Ric Wake Ric is one of the most successful music producers in the world today.Ric has produced songs on all of Celine Dion's records, winning aGrammy for her album, "Falling Into You". He has won both a Grammy andan Oscar Award for producing the hit soundtrack for the film "Chicago".Ric also produced the Grammy-nominated #1 hit, "Waiting for Tonight" for Jennifer Lopez. He has produced musicfor some of the world's most renowned singers including WhitneyHouston, Mariah Carey, Trisha Yearwood, Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony andAnastacia. "Combining Ric's experience writing and producing vocal artists and mymusical background, we can create something really magical. Thechemistry is right", says Yanni about his friend and partner, Ric Wake.