国籍: 芬兰
Death Metal/Black Metal(死亡/黑色金属) Heavy M etal(重金属) Progressive Metal(前卫金属) Scandinavian Metal(斯堪 的纳维亚金属)
amorphis是一支来自芬兰的著名death metal乐队,1990 年成立.他们早期的风格带有明显的北欧death metal的色彩,略带black metal味道的吉他音色,快速的吉他riffs,狂暴的鼓击,都显示出乐队与emtombed等老牌北欧death metal乐队一脉相传的特点,不过经过一段时间的发展,他们大胆地进行了变革,屏弃了追求快速粗暴的传统,结合北欧民谣和doom metal的特点,创立了一种旋律与力量紧密联系的崭新风格,从而确立了amorphis在x-metal界独树一帜的位置。
推荐他们的一首Day Of Your Beliefs
Amorphis - Day Of Your Beliefs
I can hear your yearnings
your anguished cries
let the nourishment pass you by;
as it leaves you withoutwithout trace
it leaves you without the scars;
it’s a day of the ruins
the time of your relief
it’s a day of the judgements
the day of your beliefs
bitter is the end
the end of your cry
let your nourishment pass you by&nb sp;
it’ll leave you without
without your faith
it’ll leave you without your grace& nbsp;
it’s a day of the ruins
the time of your relief
it’s a day of the judgements
the day of your beliefs